Vandaag vieren wij de kick-off van het nieuwe, overkoepelende Onderwijs Netwerk Zuid-Holland in de prachtige stad Leiden in aanwezigheid van Paul Dirkse, wethouder Leiden. Dus alle onderwijspartners in de keten zijn verenigd in Leiden, VO-scholen, HBO’s, Universiteiten, Musea, Jeugdzorg… Wat een schitterend platform! Today we celebrate the new Educational Network South-Holland.

High-quality teaching improves student learning and drives student success. Yet, although teachers are the lynchpins, the “final gatekeepers,” teachers themselves are often left out of the conversation; they remain “the most affected, and least consulted” (Kooy, 2014) in the educational process.

Teachers can be trusted to make critical decisions for effective teaching without outside help and resources. Teachers are able to create a learning community that is active, dynamic, sustained and interdependent. Teachers are accountable for what they know and responsible for contributing to and learning from the professional teacher community.To ensure a higher standard of learning, schools must insist on the best possible quality of teaching and create an integrated, collaborative, continual-growth faculty culture where practice and research unite (Barber and Mourshed).